One Version

One Version is a strict dependency conformance tool for monorepos, managing dependencies across repos has never been easier!

This tool ensures that all workspaces in your monorepo are using the same version of a dependency, and also an (opt-in) strict versioning strategy to ensure that all dependencies are pinned to an exact version.


Install one-version via your favorite package manager:

bun install one-version
bun install one-version

Notably! one-version should be installed at the root of your monorepo.


Once you've installed one-version, you can add a one-version:check script in your root package.json:

"scripts": {
"one-version:check": "one-version check"
"scripts": {
"one-version:check": "one-version check"

You can now run bun run one-version:check (or use whatever package manager you have setup) to check for version conformance!


one-version can work out of the box without any configuration at all, however if you'd like to allow specific workspaces to use different versions of a dependency, you'll need to add a configuration file.

one-version currently supports the following package managers:

You can configure one-version via either a one-version.config.jsonc or one-version.config.json file. An example configuration is provided below:

"$schema": "",
// one of: "bun", "yarn-berry", "yarn-classic", "pnpm", "npm"
// by default it will try to detect the package manager based on the presence of a lockfile
"packageManager": "bun",
// A mapping of dependencies, and which workspaces are "allowed" to use different versions
"overrides": {
"react": {
"18.0.0": ["pkg-a"],
// Wildcards are supported, and will capture any workspaces!
"17.0.0": ["*"]
// one of: "pin", "loose", defaults to "loose" if not provided
// pin: all dependencies and devDependencies must use an exact version
// meaning no ranges (`^`, `~`, `.x`, etc.) are allowed
"versionStrategy": "pin"
"$schema": "",
// one of: "bun", "yarn-berry", "yarn-classic", "pnpm", "npm"
// by default it will try to detect the package manager based on the presence of a lockfile
"packageManager": "bun",
// A mapping of dependencies, and which workspaces are "allowed" to use different versions
"overrides": {
"react": {
"18.0.0": ["pkg-a"],
// Wildcards are supported, and will capture any workspaces!
"17.0.0": ["*"]
// one of: "pin", "loose", defaults to "loose" if not provided
// pin: all dependencies and devDependencies must use an exact version
// meaning no ranges (`^`, `~`, `.x`, etc.) are allowed
"versionStrategy": "pin"

Background and Inspiration:

This package is a spiritual fork of the @wayfair/one-version package which I had contributed to while at Wayfair.

That package still works fine, but hasn't been maintained in some time - and also doesn't support either bun or npm.

Both this package and the original implement a version of Google's One-Version Rule:

For every dependency in [a] repository, there must be only one version of that dependency to choose1

[1] - Software Engineering At Google - Winters, Manshreck and Wright, 2020, p. 341